A day of Master

<Adjustment of pattern in weaving process>

The patterns in the photo are considered in the categories of “Tate-Kasuri”, “Petite”, and “Patterns arranged throughout”. In the “Aramaki process”, the Kasuri patterns of the warp threads are lined up regularly.

However, as I wrote in the previous blog, there are some “fluctuations / deviations” due to the difference in patterns that occur between binding and dyeing. In the weaving process, craftsmen follow while fine-tuning the deviation of this pattern, but in the case of this pattern, it is more important to “optimize the overall balance” rather than adjusting while looking at each pattern.

The beauty of Kasuri is the unpredictable pattern of “fluctuations / deviations” that does not appear on the design. Therefore, we do not want to find the perfect array. I interpret that there is an answer to seeking “the beauty of expression as Kasuri”. It does not mean that the pattern is left unattended, but that it is chasing what you see by making appropriate corrections.



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