A day of Master

The number of Kasuri threads required for the design does not always match the number required for the Kukuri process. For example, even if the pattern has a pattern that requires about 50 lines on the design, when working on Kukuri with a Kukuri machine, it is often the case that it cannot be set on the Kukuri machine without warping with about 120 lines.

<Optimal number>

Kukuri patterns vary from long to short. Therefore, it is important to determine the optimum number of warped lines depending on the length of the Kukuri pattern. This is to prevent the difference in dyeing condition between the outside and the inside of the bundle of threads during dyeing.

Petite is especially different. The interesting thing about Kasuri is that the size of the patterns is adjusted to make them uniform, and the resulting difference in patterns is finished in the right balance. We recognize that the difference in pattern is an essential item for Kurume Kasuri.



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