A day of Master(Density adjustment)

The density of weft threads is called “Uchikomi”.

Basically, the weaving speed is constant. The “shuttle” containing the woodwind wound with the weft reciprocates, and the warp and weft intersect at right angles to form a woven fabric.

The warp will advance by winding it toward you by the amount of weaving. The winding motion can be adjusted by “gears”. Therefore, the weaving density of the weft can be adjusted by changing the size of the gear. This is called “Uchikomi”.

If the weft is thick, the fabric will be loose unless the winding speed is increased with a large gear. On the other hand, if the weft is thin, it will be a coarse woven fabric unless it is wound slowly with a small gear.

Changes in Uchikomi affect the texture of the fabric, so we have devised a unique method to create a soft texture while using the standard Uchikomi as the standard.


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