<About Ichimatsu pattern>
A pattern of squares or rectangles of different colors arranged side by side.
An auspicious pattern that has been used for a long time in ornaments, crafts, and construction.
Since it is connected up, down, left, and right, it means the prosperity of descendants. Originally called the stone pavement pattern, it was literally used for stone pavement, but it was called Ichimatsu pattern because the Kabuki actor Ichimatsu Sanogawa began to use this pattern for the hakama of costumes during the Edo period. It is said that
Shimogawa Orimono interprets this pattern because it has changed due to the changes of the times, even in the sense of “progress pattern”.
Make a pattern with Kukuri technique at equal intervals.
Make a checkered pattern by shifting in the Aramaki process.
Instead of making a checkered pattern from the beginning, keep the pattern cohesive until the last minute so that there is no misalignment of the pattern. Immediately before winding up, shift to a checkerboard pattern.
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