A day of Master(Kataha)

It is called Kataha to arrange two colors of warp threads alternately.

When we count warp threads, we craftsmen call this two pieces = Hitoha, which is the basic unit.

16/1 slab yarn is used for weft.

Slab means “not well-balanced”. It is also called Fushi-ito, which is a thread with large knots made in places.

By using Kataha’s technique for the warp, you can enjoy the color expression when the weft crosses.

When the slab yarn thread and warp thread black appear on the surface, a large black knot appears as an expression. On the contrary, if the white of the warp appears on the surface, the “knot” of the slab yarn will be hidden below.

Kurume Kasuri is “plain weave”, so basically the front and back have the same look.

By understanding and designing the basic structure of Kurume Kasuri, you can create facial expressions.



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