A day of Master(Yagasuri pattern)

<Building a pattern called Yagasuri>

Yagasuri is one of the patterns that has been made since ancient times in the history of Kurume Kasuri. A wide variety of “yagasuri” have been created by many craftsmen, including the composition of designs, tie patterns based on them, and color schemes.

Shimogawa Orimono has devised various Yagasuri patterns in the course of time. It is also one of the interesting designs that we continued to make using various techniques such as “Tate Kasuri”, “Yoko Kasuri”, “Tate yoko Kasuri”.

The basic structure is to make the arrows alternate between “upward” and “downward”.

Although it has a basic blue color scheme on a dark blue background, it does not have a single color scheme.



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