A day of Master

Expression of patterns by Kukuri technique. I think that cotton material is the most suitable for making Kurume Kasuri. Cotton has a moderate amount of expansion and contraction, and is easy to match when adjusting the pattern. It is also perfect for the relatively humid climate of Japan.

The warp threads are finally pulled and dried in the sun during the finishing process. Even in the Aramaki process in the photo, it is pulled and tensioned to wind it. Even so, it is not pulled mechanically, but it is a tension that can be grasped by the human power of the craftsman.

Even if it seems to be pulled considerably, the thread often stretches and the pattern shifts during the weaving process.

Stretching the thread may cause the pattern to shift, but the merit of being able to adjust it is greater, and shrinkage of the thread is indispensable for matching the pattern of Kasuri.


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