A day of Master

<Overlapping colors>

Blurred stripes: The most basic color scheme is a similar color gradation technique. The blur stripes in the photo use 6 colors in total: blue, green, yellow, and gray. When making blur stripes, I first decide on the four standard colors, then add two colors to accompany them, and try to arrange them in a total of six colors.

The warp threads usually maintain an even density across the fabric width. However, this “blurred stripe mild” created a non-uniform density. Where the density is high, the warp threads appear to overlap each other, creating a deep color. A hidden third color will appear. In places where the density is shallow, the weft will come out from the gap and the fourth color will appear.

I think there are various interpretations of overlapping colors, but “Blur Stripe Mild” expresses overlapping in the appearance of colors due to changes in density in addition to the conventional color scheme.



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