A day of Master(Kasuri loom)

The Kurume Kasuri loom is a “Y-type” narrow-width loom that was devised by Sakichi Toyoda about 100 years ago, and can be woven while matching patterns with some improvements. It begins with the development and popularization of.

The production area where this “Y-type loom” is still in operation is very small, including Kurume, but it is the Kurume Kasuri production area that is currently in operation as an improved “Kasuri loom”. Only. To put it in more detail, “Kurume Kasuri” is the only production area in Japan that has the technology to weave Kasuri using the binding technology on a commercial basis with a power loom.

That means “only in the world”. And, in order to weave a delicate and dense pattern, double ikat Kasuri, which is the highest technique using Kasuri technique, can only be made by using this narrow loom.

Due to its simple structure, looms decades ago continue to operate without failing daily maintenance with the adjustments of the craftsmen themselves. Fine adjustments such as the speed and range of motion of the loom are based on the “sense” gained from the experience of craftsmen.


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