A day of Master

<Think Tate Kasuri>

Tate Kasuri, which builds a pattern with warp threads, basically makes a pattern by combining 1 to 6 types of Kukuri patterns. Is it possible to convey the idea of stacking blocks to make a pattern? There are various restrictions on the pattern of Kukuri, and the pattern is designed based on the understanding of Kukuri’s structure.

Even if there are restrictions, the possibilities of the pattern will expand infinitely by making full use of various ideas.

From the experience and wisdom as a craftsman, such as bold patterns and delicate patterns, we will increase the number of images of patterns as much as possible, and by mastering technology, we will be able to handle various patterns.

A woven fabric as a Kasuri fabric is completed with various elements such as “artistic”, “production efficiency” and “design”. This is an opportunity to showcase your sense as a craftsman.



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