A day of Master(Kasuri stripe method)

Stripes are vertical stripes from foreign countries, such as the Nanban trade, and are called “islands” in the sense of “things” from “islands”. They are called “stripes” in the Edo period. It became so.

<About Futaha stripe>

In Kurume Kasuri, two threads are counted as Hitoha when counting threads.

This stripe is called Futaha shima because it has 4 widths.

In the case of warp yarns, Hitoha is a unit because it counts as a pair in particular.

This is also related to the weaving of the Kasuri pattern, which is called “plain weave”.

Wefts are made to have a deep color by using a technique called “two-ply alignment”. The reason the fog-like pattern finally appears in the horizontal direction is because the combination of the two has a clear shade. I’m thinking about a combination of 4 colors, 2 colors of warp and 2 colors of weft.

This is established by establishing a production system that mass-produces plain fabrics and stripes while having the production method and technology of Kurume Kasuri. Therefore, it is not possible to make it with all Kurume Kasuri fabrics, and it is very rare.



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