A day of Master

The most popular color pattern of Kasuri. Navy blue, blue, white.

This Kasuri is dyed with chemical dyes, but Kurume Kasuri has a strong image of indigo dyeing.

The color scheme reminiscent of indigo dye may be popular.

This navy blue, blue, white color ratio is also a perfect ratio

I feel that there is a popular color scheme.

After all, the keynote will be the navy blue. A white pattern is put there.

Thirdly, I have the image of coloring blue as an accent.

This handle has a high proportion of blue due to the random pattern.

So it looks like blue is the basic tone, but in making a pattern

I am thinking based on navy blue. In the case of floral patterns and geometric patterns, the ratio of blue is generally used.

It is overwhelmingly often lowered.



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