A day of Master(Shippo pattern)

Kurume Kasuri has many lucky patterns.

Kissho-mon-yo is a pattern depicting animals and plants and goods that are considered to be auspicious, and is widely loved especially in Asia, especially in the Chinese cultural sphere.

A pattern in which circles of the same size are overlapped by a quarter is called “Shippo-mon”.

Those that are regularly arranged vertically and horizontally are called “Shippo Tsunagi”.

Circles (rings) are connected to the sum and represent the importance of the circle of people.

In addition, since this pattern grows indefinitely, it is regarded as a good luck sentence that aims at development and prosperity of descendants and business.

Also, Shippo refers to the seven treasures that appear in the Buddhist scriptures

Human ties and connections indicate that they are as valuable as Shippo.

Shimokawa Textile’s philosophy of creating diversity and creating the future of Kurume Kasuri by expanding the relationship between people and developing business is exactly the same as the idea put into Shippo. , Shippo pattern is the logo mark of Shimokawa Textile.



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