A day of Master(Asanoha pattern)

Kurume Kasuri has many lucky patterns.

Kissho-mon-yo is a pattern depicting animals and plants and goods that are considered to be auspicious, and is widely loved especially in Asia, especially in the Chinese cultural sphere.

Hemp grows quickly, grows straight, and has a strong vitality. Since ancient times, it has been used as a standard pattern for baby clothes. Hemp was considered a sacred plant because of its lack of insects. It is said that the hemp leaf pattern itself has the power to pay off evil, and it also has the meaning of an amulet.

In the Showa era, many hemp petals were produced for kimono use, but in the Heisei era, production was almost lost. However, Kurume Kasuri with hemp leaf pattern as a good luck pattern has been revived in search of demand other than kimonos since 2019, when it changes to Heisei from 2019 due to the desire to retain it for the next generation. New demand for clothes and interiors is increasing.



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