Kasuri Art Residence

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SHIMOGAWA has collaborated with various things in the world, both domestic and international.

Currently, we are working to create a system where artists and designers from around the world can stay and experience and share the creation of Kurume-gasuri together.

Please feel free to contact us for more details.


•「生産」 一定量の量産に基づいた経済の循環。

•「伝承」 文化や歴史、習慣に基づいた価値観を伝えていく。

•アーティストin レジデンス







久留米絣織元 下川織物

E-MAIL  info@oriyasan.com

URL     https://oriyasan.com

instagram   http://instagram.com/shimogawakyozo/

facebook     https://www.facebook.com/shimogawaorimono

Twitter       @kasuritter

Tumblr      kyozoshimogawa

YouTube    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOZennIqkscFGNJLwnTOyKg