A day of Master(Yagasuri)

<Matter of Kasuri pattern>

Kurume Kasuri is woven with many auspicious patterns.

Kisshomonyo is a pattern depicting flora and fauna and goods that are said to be auspicious, and is often widely loved especially in Asia, especially in the Chinese cultural sphere. There are various patterns to express congratulations, but I would like to introduce patterns that are often used in Kurume Kasuri.

・ Yagasuri

Bow and wing pattern. When you shoot a bow, it goes straight and does not return. From that

There was also a custom of holding a kimono of Yasuri at the time of marriage.

In addition, it is suitable for praying for success, fulfilling purpose, etc. because it “shoots through the target”.

The arrow is a lucky charm that is also used as a talisman and a tool to protect yourself, wishing for strong and robust growth as a samurai (male). It’s also famous as an amulet blast arrow, and in Japan

One of the most used patterns in kimono since ancient times.

There are two types of warp threads, Kasuri thread and ground thread.

The warp threads are distributed (Warikomi).

4 colorful colorful Kasuri patterns on a white background.

A bold and large Yagasuri pattern is completed.



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