Mark McDaniel さん



My name is Mark McDaniel. I’m a textile and fiber artist from Louisville, Kentucky, U.S.A.  Kurume Kasuri was among the crafts I wished to explore most when deciding to plan a textile research trip in Japan. I was very interested in the highly mathematical and technical production processes, as well as some of the traditional patterns.

Kasuri, and ikat in general, requires complex planning and a skillful manipulation of materials, but is often characterized by some amount of natural blurring and undulation of the pattern during weaving. This juxtaposition is particularly poignant to me. And visually, the patterns seem to breathe and shine, and their edges to vibrate. In the way that creating a kasuri pattern is like crafting a puzzle, I see it as a nearly-magical iteration of supreme creativity.

When visiting Shimogawa Orimono earlier in my trip I was surprised and excited to learn of how they welcome guests to do practical study, and was interested in returning to do so myself. Their openness and forward-thinking approach are palpable in the fabric they create. The manner in which Shimogawa Orimono welcomes collaboration with outside artists and incorporates a broad spectrum of creative influence gives the impression that they are unafraid to use the techniques and processes which they have so refined and mastered as a tool, and as a base from which to expand and sense out new possibilities both in the realm of textile craftsmanship and in the world at large. In this fashion, I find myself congruently aligned with what seems to be some of their work’s intention.

During my 10-day stay at Shimogawa Orimono I was able to learn the basics of some jobs carried out in the factory. These included washing and drying finished fabrics, starching warp and weft threads with glue, preparing threads for warp winding, tying an inexact pattern of kasuri binding on bundled threads, and practicing a variety of knots and delicate hand-processes for joining and organizing threads on and off the loom. The factory employees who taught me were incredibly kind and encouraging, and the factory as a whole feels like a great collaborative effort. I am very thankful to have made the acquaintance of such a diverse, skilled, and caring group of individuals.

Moving forward, I’m inspired to explore more collaboration in my own work. After seeing how vital teamwork and the welcoming of outside ideas are to Shimogawa Orimono’s practice, I have a greater appreciation for the broadening of creative possibilities that can result from such things. I hope to undertake more practical educational experiences such as this for the purpose of gaining a wider perspective of the creative and technical potential within fiber-related crafts. Furthermore, I’d like to explore ways in which to apply that knowledge to help encourage a more ethical and sustainable future in regards to resource distribution/consumption, open-source and accessible education, and fostering a sense of empowerment in personal creativity and initiative. If possible, I hope to also do more with Shimogawa Orimono; to spend more time learning from them and to continue an equal exchange of perspective.

Thank you to everyone at Shimogawa Orimono for making the experience rich and memorable!












久留米絣織元 下川織物





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