A day of Master


Technique: single ikat(Egasuri), power loom

Warp: cotton 40/2

Weft: Cotton 20/1

100% chemical dye

<Historical consideration>

Bingo Kasuri, Iyo Kasuri, and Kurume Kasuri, which are known as the three largest Kasuri production areas in Japan. Before the war, hand-woven production was the mainstream, and in terms of output, it was Iyo-Kurume-Bigo, but in 1953, power mechanization proceeded in the Bingo area, and it became Iyo-Bingo-Kurume in that order. In these three production areas, Kurume generally tried to maintain small-scale high-quality fabrics, whereas Iyo and Bingo tend to place importance on inexpensive mass-produced products. In the 1955’s, the production of Kasuri woven fabric began to decline due to the influence of synthetic fiberization and westernization, and the production areas of both Iyo production areas decreased remarkably. As a result, only Kurume, who has maintained a high-class route, has maintained the production system of Single ikat (= Egasuri) by the power loom to this day, but at present, Origen is producing Kurume Kasuri using the power loom. Will be only about 10 houses.

<Characteristics of pattern>

As with Tate Kasuri, “pattern shift, fluctuation” that does not appear on the design is attractive. The “unpredictable pattern movement” that appears only by actually weaving is unique to the Kasuri pattern of the power loom. It is no exaggeration to say that the existence is a motivation for Kasuri craftsmen to continue weaving Kasuri.

<Application and development of patterns>

Free expression peculiar to Egasuri. Patterns woven with repeats of about 20 cm include floral patterns, polka dots, and geometric patterns. In particular, the patterns that make use of curved lines can be used in a wide range of expressions, from bold large patterns to minute small patterns, and it is also a showcase of the craftsman’s sensitivity and technology.



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