A day of Master(Yoroke stripe)

“Staggered stripes” are striped patterns made of curved curves. In general, there are various approaches, such as the technique of bending the yarn itself and the expression by printing.

Since I’m a Kasuri craftsman, I expressed the Yorke stripe using Kukuri, which is a characteristic technique of Kasuri.

A basic stripe pattern is created by overlaying Kasuri threads that are dyed and dyed by the “Kukuri” technique. Kurume Kasuri has the greatest feature that it faithfully reproduces the pattern of the original design of the thread made by the tying technique.Because it is also a showcase of the skill as a Kurume Kasuri craftsman, the pattern looks like a staggered stripe. It’s hard to come up with the idea of expression created by breaking it down.

Is the expression “reversal idea” appropriate?

Every day, I feel that a new pattern is born from an unexpected perspective.



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